Let’s take a look at some of the ways to manage state in React to find out the pros and cons of each method.
Vanilla React
Is it cheating to have this? Depending on your apps functionality, you might not need a state manager at all. React works perfectly well all on its own.
If you are building something simple like a brochure site or other website that isn’t data intensive and doesn’t have to watch for changes in different areas of the UI, you can probably get away with just using Vanilla React.
I would like to amend this: don’t use Redux until you have problems with vanilla React. — Dan Abramov
Best for
- Simple projects without a lot of data flying around.
MobX is a battle tested library that makes state management simple and scalable by transparently applying functional reactive programming.
MobX can be split into 3 areas:
Observables are the properties in your state.
Observers are your React components. They display some UI based on the values in your state.
Actions are functions dispatched by your Observers in order to trigger updates in your observables.
There’s a much better 10 minute introduction to get you fired up with MobX and React on the MobX site.
Best for
Small, experienced, teams.
Rapid development.
Redux is a predictable state container for JavaScript apps.
OK that sounds a bit less confusing than MobX, but it doesn’t really tell us much.
Redux is a state container that stores all the data for your app. The Redux state is read only, it cannot be updated directly. The state is updated by a reducer, which takes the old state and an action, then creates a new state.
This creates a unidirectional data flow, which makes it easier to understand where your data is coming from or being modified.
Dan Abramov, one of the Redux creators, has a great tutorial on getting started with Redux.
Best for
Large teams
Complex apps.
A JavaScript framework for building data-driven React applications.
Relay is still pretty new on the scene, even though it has been around for a few years. Whilst Redux and MobX can be used with any view library, Relay is focused on React only. Both Redux and Relay are inspired by the Flux architecture.
***Aside: *Is it just me or do the developers at Facebook keep inventing new state management systems every couple of years?
Relay is pretty similar to Redux in that is has a central store containing the application data. The store is updated by dispatching mutations (instead of actions) and the data is passed down into your React components.
The major difference is that Relay doesn’t let you manage your own state. Components use GraphQL query fragments to declare their data needs and Relay gathers them all up into an API request before automagically populating your state.
Best for
Large teams using GraphQL APIs.
Apollo Client is the ultra-flexible, community-driven GraphQL client for React, JavaScript, and native platforms.
Apollo is, like Relay, a GraphQL client for your React app. You can connect components to your GraphQL API at whatever level makes the most sense to you, then Apollo will control fetching the data, normalising it, and managing your state.
You can connect your components to your API and your state at the same time and Apollo will handle the data.
Coming from all the boilerplate of Redux, this really felt like a breath of fresh air.
Best for
Small teams using GraphQL APIs.
If Relay didn’t work for your flow.
State so simple, it goes without saying.
Unstated is a new state management library for React, made as a rebellion against the “crazy architecture and methodology” of the above methods.
Unstated is designed to build on top of the patterns already set out by React components and context.
Unstated has Container components that work like a Redux store, Subscribe components that connect to that store and Provider components that adds data to the tree via context.
Unstated is the setState of React state management.
Best for
People confused by state management.
Small teams who need a simple state solution.
Round up
There’s no “best way” to manage your state in React, which is why you get to choose from all these shiny tools.
Have a read up on each, and figure out what’s best for your team.